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CLINICA OCULISTICA LUGANO has been rated 3 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews

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About Us

What we do

Today's ophthalmology allows almost all clarifications and treatments to be performed on an outpatient basis; for this reason we have been present since1987 as a daytime eye clinic in Lugano.

Our activities and services: " General ophthalmologic diagnostics " Cataract surgery " Glaucoma therapy and surgery " Treatments for retinal problems " Plastic surgery of the eyelid and tear ducts " Ophthalmology for children " Orthoptic diagnosis and therapy " Refractive surgery " Excimer laser treatment

  • " Femtolaser
  • " Femtocataract
  • " Laser cataracts
  • " Lensar laser
  • " Femto

We recommend a checkup with an eye doctor " To children between the ages of 2 and 4 years. " Regularly to children and adolescents with eye or vision problems " Regularly to adults with eye or vision problems " Regularly to patients with internist problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and rheumatic diseases as well as under specific medicinal therapies " To adults after the age of 40 with intervals of 1 to 2 years

Ophthalmosurgery allows the following. " Replace an opaque lens with an artificial lens in cases of cataracts " Reduce intraocular pressure in cases of glaucoma " Reduce visual defects as an alternative to prescription glasses or contact lenses (excimer laser) " Reconstruct the eyelid by plastic surgery following accidents, tumors, or for cosmetic reasons

With the excimer laser, good results can be obtained for " Myopia up to 10 diopters " Hypermetropia up to 6 diopters " Astigmatism " Presbyopia in the early and middle state in combination with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism

Complete correction is not guaranteed. Regardless of this fact, most patients with incomplete correction are satisfied for their daily needs without the need for additional correction.

Das machen wir

Die Ophthalmologie ermöglicht heute prak- tisch alle nötigen Abklärungen und Behandlungen ambulant durchzuführen. Aus diesem Grund sind wir seit 1987 als ambulante Augenklinik für Sie in Lugano anwesend.

Zu unseren Tätigkeiten gehören: " Die gesamte ophthalmologische Diagnostik. " Cataract-Chirurgie " Glaukom-Behandlung und -Chirurgie " Netzhautbehandlungen " Plastische Chirurgie im Augenbereich " Kinder-Ophthalmologie " Orthoptische Diagnostik und Behandlungen " Refraktive Chirurgie " Excimer-Laser-Behandlungen

  • " Femtolaser
  • " Femtocataract
  • " Lensar laser

" Wir empfehlen Augenkontrollen

" bei Kindern zwischen dem zweiten und vierten Altersjahr " regelmässig bei Kindern und Teenagern mit Augenproblemen " regelmässig bei Erwachsenen mit Augenproblemen " regelmässig bei Erwachsenen mit internistischen Problemen wie Diabetes (Zuckerkrankheit), arterieller Hypertonie (hoher Blutdruck), rheumatischen Beschwerden und gewissen medikamentösen Therapien " nach dem vierzigsten Altersjahr im Abstand von 1 bis 2 Jahren

Die Ophthalmochirurgie ermöglicht " bei Cataract die Entfernung der trüben Linse und deren Ersatz durch eine künstliche Linse " bei Glaukom die Augendrucksenkung mittels Operation " bei optischen Sehfehlern in vielen Fällen eine Alternative zum Ersatz von Brillen und Kontaktlinsen (Excimer-Laser) " Wiederherstellung der Lider nach Unfällen, Tumoren und kosmetischen Gründen

Mit dem Excimer-Laser sind gute Korrekturen möglich " bei Myopie bis 10 Dioptrien " bei Hyperopie bis 6 Dioptrien " bei Astigmatismus " bei Presbyopie im Anfangsstadium bis mittlerem Stadium in Kombination von Myopie, Hyperopie und Astigmatismus

Eine vollständige Korrektur kann nicht garantiert werden, für die täglichen Bedürfnisse sind viele Patienten auch mit einer nicht kompletten Korrektur zufrieden und genügend korrigiert.

Ophthalmology today allows almost all evaluation and treatment to be performed on an outpatient basis. For this reason, our outpatient eye clinic has been established for you in Lugano since 1987.

Our activities and services: " General ophthalmologic diagnosis " Cataract surgery " Glaucoma treatment and surgery " Treatment of retinal diseases " Plastic eyelid surgery " Children's Ophthalmology " Orthoptic diagnosis and treatment " Refractive surgery " Excimer- laser-treatment

We recommend eye checks " For children, generally between the ages of two and four " Regularly for children and teenagers with eye problems " Regularly for adults with vision problems " Regularly for adult patients with general medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, and certain drug therapies " After forty years of age, every 1 to 2 years.

Ophthalmic surgery allows " For cataracts, the removal of the opaque lens and correction with an artificial lens " For glaucoma, the intraocular pressure-reduction by surgery " For many refractive errors, as an alternative to traditional corrections like eye glasses or contact lenses (Excimer-laser) " Reconstruction of the eyelids after accidents, tumors and for cosmetic reasons

Using the Excimer-Laser good corrections are possible " For myopia up to 10 dioptres " For hyperopia up to 6 dioptres " For astigmatism " For presbyopia in the early to intermediate stages, also in combination with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism

A complete correction cannot be guaranteed, however, for daily needs most patients with incomplete correction have sufficient vision and don't need any supplementary correction.

This text has been machine translated.



Location and contact

Show directions


  • office address office address

    Riva Antonio Caccia 1b 6900 Lugano

  • Phone Phone
    0919... Show number 091 985 70 50 *
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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CLINICA OCULISTICA LUGANO has been rated 3 out of 5 stars
2 Reviews

1 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

CLINICA OCULISTICA LUGANO has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Mon - Thur
07:30 - 17:30 opening hours
07:30 - 16:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun